So we are currently on a trip to visit my Gramma Pat in Illinois (neas St. Louis) and it has been quite the adventure. Brody dumping any drink possible into his lap (even if it is in a sippy cup), Raegan wanting to watch the same movie 3 times, Brad losing his wallet (which is still gone), breaking the GPS charger mid-trip, or my personal favorite is trying to get three kids to go to sleep in a hotel room when one of the three is constantly being as loud as humanly possible--in any form of loudness! One night Raegan was still up at 1am!
We visited with Gramma, Uncle Sandy, Aunt Kris and Steve and Sara (who are on their way to MN) has been really fun. I admit that in a one level home (small only when there are 12 people there) it is a bit stressful hoping that your kids will be good and not scream too much...I look forward to being home---ALONE--where the noise just doesn't seem so loud:) Will upload pictures when we get home.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Gabe Crawls (Sortof!)
I just got done with the Fall Conference and decided to use the Flip Video to see what else I could capture video. Of course the kids are an easy target. Gabe decided to perform! LIVE from Moms frontroom floor, in his crawling debut, Gabe Riley doing the "Scoot and Leap".
This Fall Brad is spending time with his after school classes and enjoying a little bit of actual golf time. He will be home with the kids this winter while I will be traveling for BPG and also writing my second book. Liz, my sister, is holding me accountable to actually getting it done. I am looking forward to getting several big projects off my plate. It is a very busy time with three little ones in the house. Raegan still thinks it is her birthday! Being 4 is very exciting.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Andrew and Jessica Pike
Totally annoying...I had this awesome write up of the wedding and even saved it and now it is gone! I hate technology sometimes...mostly when it doesn't do what I want it to do and I spent 45 minutes writing and uploading to it. Here's the gist. Drew and Jess got married. Everyone was beautiful. Had a great time watching Raegan and Brody saunter down the isle as Ring Bearer and Flower Girl (along with Annika and Lauren (who by-the-way picked up the flowers that were being tossed! Totally adorable.) Here are the pictures to prove it really happened. The end. Not as clever nor as savvy but hey...
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Trip to Chicago - Grammas 80th B-day
Well--we have had such a great Summer. The kids and I visited Liz (my sister) and her four girls in Chicago. We had a bit of a drive from MSP there with diaper changes and the works (unfortunately Raegan didn't make it to the bathroom at the rest area and we had a bit of a mess to deal with--alas, we all made it!
Liz took the older kids on an adventure through the city using public transportation. Rae
gan LOVED it! She got to ride a REAL train. Their adventure landed them (a mere 2 hours or so later...just got lost once:))at Ed Debevicks, where the waiter told Annika something about poop in her food from the cook, and Annika I believe told him that he was silly. They had a great time.
The highlight of the trip was Gramma Pat's 80th birthday! Such a good time seeing everyone. We were all at Brian and Rosalie's for the party and it was nice to reconnect. However, have you ever
tried to take a picture of 7 kids (soon to be 8) 5 and under? Tough job!
Well, here are a few more fun pics of the kids as they are growing. Love to you all!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
July Fun
Well, we did go to family camp and did have a great time. I love being a mom and enjoyed spending hours each day with my family. We also got to see some amazing fireworks. They had a private showing for Grace--talk about so nice. Walk out of your living quarters, across the field and sit down to enjoy the show. No traffic, No crowds...I wish I could say No mosquitos but alas there were. We lathered up in bug spray and were fine though!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I was just in San Diego with my cousin, Kate, at the ASTD conference. Besides hanging out in the booth selling stuff we had a chance to get margarita's and just relax for a few minutes before she helped me prep for a webinar... Here's a little video to show all the fun we had!
We also had dinner with a client/friends Jill and Mary Jo. I ate pasta at a seafood resteraunt!
Wheeler Visit To MN - May 18
So the Wheeler cousins came for a nice visit and stayed with my mom's guys. While they were here we went to the Como Zoo, The Children's Museum and even had a couple of Princess Sleepovers! I even went crazy and had all the Wheeler girls spend the night (for a grand total of 7 kids under the age of 5!) We had a great time and I am still alive! Not only that but I managed to give the girls a bath too. Enjoy some of the favorites from May. While visiting Rosie also taught the kids to garden and each has their own gloves, hats and seeds to prove it!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Too Long
Well, it has been too long since I last updated this! Can you tell I am a mother of three under four! Anyway, here are a few of the latest updates:
Raegan - can spell her name, just finished her first year of pre-school, told her first lie to me...she said that "Brody did it"...little known fact is that Brody isn't able to reach the water faucet and get water out! Raegan wen tto the dentist again...this time they were able to count her teeth and tell me she didn't have any cavities. All of that info only cost a mere $66. I guess it's cheaper than my $257 visit.
Brody-still falls down a lot and almost always can be seen with a bruise on his face somewhere. Is a total boy with the "duh" look sometimes, likes to pick on Gabe because he can.
Gabe- sleeping a stretch of 6-8 hours each night. Unfortunately that means I am often up at 3am-4am but he'll get there. He has a very mild personality and loves his NUK. Unlike the other two he doesn't suck his thumb or fingers at all...yet. We'll see.
Becky-just rolled out my Design project for BPG and it is going really well. Am completely exhausted from work and home life converging, but I adore having three kids. They are truly such a wonderful blessing. I also applied for us to be on HGTV for a home makeover show (where we get free consulting but would pay for the changes.) Doubt we'll be selected but oh well.
Brad- In the swing (excuse the pun) of things. Loving the summer. Has lost several pounds!
Hope you are all well--Liz and family are here for a visit!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Baby Gabe and Brody
So here is a little video to show you all just how much Brody loves his new brother. Brad calls these love taps I call them hits. You decide.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Baby Gabe
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Raegan Marie
Friday, March 21, 2008
It's a Boy!
Today we welcomed into the Pluth family a new baby boy. His name is Gabrial (the spelling is not quite yet decided upon, Gabrial or Gabriel) Riley Pluth. Gabrial was born at 9:06am. He weighs 7 lbs 14 oz and is 19 1/2 inches long. We are so excited that God has blessed us with this new life. Pictures will be added soon.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Fun in the Snow
With only 4 days before we have Baby #3 the Pluth's decided to enjoy some of the March snow! It was perfect weather for building a snowman--Raegan chose to make buttons of lifesavers and thought that jelly beans would be good for the eyes. She let us know that if there were extras she would just eat them. Brody enjoyed the snow until his shoes fell off and he got drenched--oh well. Raegan also made her snow angel and thought that running around, chasing a daddy with snowballs was pretty great, even when they hit her.
A few things as of late:
Raegan - corrects me when I said we did something "yesterday" she says "no mommy we did that lasterday!", can identify 2/3 of the letters in the alphabet, LOVES anything with a princess on it and wearing her cowgirl boots, is praying out loud for meals and enjoying pre-school at Westwood. Raegan loves playing with her Easter bunny stickers too.
Brody - dances in circles, does the run waddle, got his first real shoes from Papa and Grandma Pluth this week, has 14 teeth and weighs a whopping 27 lbs!
Brad- Has hired an intern from North Carolina, named Jason, for 6 months, starting May 10th. He will be helping with the growing afterschool programs and hopefully busy group lessons this summer.
Well-enjoy the winter wonderland photos. Likely the last Pluth photos I will take before our next arrives. Check back for pictures of the new Pluth on Good Friday the 21st~ We are so blessed to have this baby on such a significant weekend for our Savior. May each of you have a wonderful and blessed Easter.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Catching Up
Quick Update
Well, Brody is walking pretty much full time now. It is more of a waddle (just like his Mom!!) but it is erally fun to watch him get so excited about it. He is so proud of himself. He has been feeling well and doing great. Such a sweet personality. Raegan is such a great big sister. She is always asking about the baby in my tummy and when it will be visiting us and is often found playing with Brody down at her kitchen. She asks about all of her cousins and prays for Aunts and Uncles and Gramma's etc everynight. We got pictures taken at church and she said "Oh Mommy, It's so beautiful." She loves her jewelry and purse which is filled to the gills with "monies" that she finds in my purse.
I am doing well according to the doctor and am on track for the 8:30 AM slot on March 21st at Waconia. In the meantime Brad has been wonderful about giving me free time to relax (manicure and pedicure for valentine's day!) and enjoy myself free of kids, knowing that in just a few short weeks I will be pretty well planted at home. Brad is ramping up with more golf lessons and a few of his regular personal training clients which really energizes him.
On a side note--book sales are maintaining and growing. I sold 35 copies through Amazon last month and am already at 32 for the month of Feb--so that is pretty exciting. Also, the Dutch version of 101 Movie Clips that teach and train will be released this Spring!! Exciting. Sara's friend, Eric, and his dad just finished reviewing the translation and it has been approved for printing! YEAH.
Love to you all!
Well, Brody is walking pretty much full time now. It is more of a waddle (just like his Mom!!) but it is erally fun to watch him get so excited about it. He is so proud of himself. He has been feeling well and doing great. Such a sweet personality. Raegan is such a great big sister. She is always asking about the baby in my tummy and when it will be visiting us and is often found playing with Brody down at her kitchen. She asks about all of her cousins and prays for Aunts and Uncles and Gramma's etc everynight. We got pictures taken at church and she said "Oh Mommy, It's so beautiful." She loves her jewelry and purse which is filled to the gills with "monies" that she finds in my purse.
I am doing well according to the doctor and am on track for the 8:30 AM slot on March 21st at Waconia. In the meantime Brad has been wonderful about giving me free time to relax (manicure and pedicure for valentine's day!) and enjoy myself free of kids, knowing that in just a few short weeks I will be pretty well planted at home. Brad is ramping up with more golf lessons and a few of his regular personal training clients which really energizes him.
On a side note--book sales are maintaining and growing. I sold 35 copies through Amazon last month and am already at 32 for the month of Feb--so that is pretty exciting. Also, the Dutch version of 101 Movie Clips that teach and train will be released this Spring!! Exciting. Sara's friend, Eric, and his dad just finished reviewing the translation and it has been approved for printing! YEAH.
Love to you all!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Broderick James WALKS!!
Our exciting news today is that Brody took his first steps and we have it on video for all of you to enjoy. We used Cherry Coke (with extra cherries and cherry juice) to persuade him. He has done it several times today with the max number of steps at 16. He will be 14 months old tomorrow. I am going to try to upload the video here and see if it works. If it doesn't I will upload to YouTube.
On a side note: I had a Dr. appointment today and the date of delivery is set for March 21, 2008 (unless I get pre-eclampsia again).
On a side note: I had a Dr. appointment today and the date of delivery is set for March 21, 2008 (unless I get pre-eclampsia again).
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Big Sister Raegan's Comments
Well, Raegan and 3 1/2 has already figured everything out. Here has been her advise as of late:
Out of the mouths of babes-
1. When I was in bed and not feeling well she said "Mommy, just go to the doctor and get the baby taken out and you will be all better."
2. After asking about the baby in my tummy and telling her it is only 7 weeks away she says, "When the doctor takes out the baby we can put Brody back in."
3. In response to sharing with Brody, "He doesn't need this, it will give him a tummy ache. I will just eat it for him."
4. In naming Baby #3. If it's a girl she likes the name Megan (which is the name my sister gave her 4th daughter 2 weeks ago) and if it's a boy the name Brody. When I tell her we already have one Brody she says, "It's okay."
Those are just a few of the adorable things she has been saying lately...
As for baby news, looks like the delivery date will be either March 15 or the 21. We find out on Thursday at our appointment witht he surgeon.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Pluth's Vacation in Orlando
Well, we went on a family vacation to Orlando. First we traveled to Ft. Myers to visit the Allens and got to stay in their mega nice RV-we were pampered. Then it was off to Orlando for the remainder of our trip. We had princesses to meet and whales to greet. Raegan loved seeing everything, from a distance, and has a new mickey bracelet and belle sunglasses she has been wearing endlessly. I think Brody's favorite part was learning to stick out his tongue. Here are a few shots from the trip.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Countdown
Well this is our first blog ever and with ten or so weeks left we thought we should get this puppy started. To date this pregnancy has been much like the others: sick the first few 14-15 weeks, then great and now back to not feeling well. I have a 20-80% chance of getting pre-eclampsia again with the biggest determining factor being that I have had it in both of my other pregnancies. For more info check out which has a lot of info about it. Other than that Raegan is extremely excited to be a big sister again. She has picked out several names but her favorites are: Brody and Raegan. Go figure. Brad has the privilege to be home with the kids this winter but is sacrificing this week by taking us all to Orlando for some sunshine and hopefully Seaworld and Magic Kingdom. We will find out at our next appointment WHEN Pluth baby #3 will be arriving by C-section but it is looking like Mid-March.
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