Saturday, October 4, 2008

Gabe Crawls (Sortof!)

I just got done with the Fall Conference and decided to use the Flip Video to see what else I could capture video. Of course the kids are an easy target. Gabe decided to perform! LIVE from Moms frontroom floor, in his crawling debut, Gabe Riley doing the "Scoot and Leap".

This Fall Brad is spending time with his after school classes and enjoying a little bit of actual golf time. He will be home with the kids this winter while I will be traveling for BPG and also writing my second book. Liz, my sister, is holding me accountable to actually getting it done. I am looking forward to getting several big projects off my plate. It is a very busy time with three little ones in the house. Raegan still thinks it is her birthday! Being 4 is very exciting.