Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Well I am amidst writing my second book titled Webinars with WOW Factor! I am totally excited and have set a release date for March of 2009. I have hired a company to do the marketing to book buyers for this book and we are doing presales which is exciting. The scary part is getting the book finished so that it can be edited and then printed! All of this with us moving is proving to be quite the task. I am a bit overwhelmed but I know it will all come together. Here is what will be on the back cover of the book (thanks to the help of Liz!)

Death by webinar is rapidly replacing death by PowerPoint! Make your webinars effective and engaging!
A webinar is a different animal—requiring different skills and a different energy—where your weaknesses and lack of preparation leaves you completely exposed. Don’t get caught with your training pants down!
Budget cuts and a business focus on everything “green” makes human resource training via webinars a really attractive option—IF you can do it effectively. Here is the resource you NEED for designing and delivering training that justifies your investment and gets the job done WELL.

In this book, you will discover:
• What are the top 10 sins of webinars? How can I avoid them?
• Can I connect with learners online? How?
• What are best practices for webinar design, execution and follow-up?
• What tips can I use to energize my audience?
• How can I make a powerful impact with my slide design?
• How do I use the basic webinar software tools to best advantage?
• What activities can I use to ensure participant involvement?
• What techniques can I implement to make the webinar enjoyable for both host and participant?
• How do I increase retention of the training material?

Implementing these techniques and activities are guaranteed to better prepare you to involve your participants, make your training memorable, and ensure participant action planning.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pluth Halloween

It has been 4 1/2 months sincy my last update and am almost feeling to guilty to update now~man. Anyway, getting over that I have decided to update you all on our Fall Festivities! So, here we are on a Hay Ride at the Chanhassen Rec Center. Each year Brad and I have taken the kids there for their Fall Halloween Party. They love it. This year was especially interesting as we have three kids 5 and under and trying to keep track of them all dressed up was a bit of a challenge. Here I am with Brody (2 1/2). He went as a Bee and I am a kitty:)

Here is Brad with Raegan(5) who went as Scooby Doo and Gabe (18m) as our little Monkey. Boy was he ever. Not once but twice during the evening he managed to get away from us and hide in the crowd. The first time we were in the gymnasium for the entertainment and he was running around and climbing up the risers. The next thing I know I can't locate the runner. I scan the audience for what seemed like an eternity to find the rascal running around but there was nothing! Eventually I located him sitting on the top bleacher next to another kid just sitting there eating his sucker. When has Gabe ever sat still for 5 minutes! SURE he had to pick then.

The fun continued on Halloween when Uncle Rob, Aunt Rosie and "Wild Thing" Will came over for Trick or Treating in the neighborhood. Aunt Cassie and Captain Roberto (as Raegan called Uncle John--I think he dressed up for story time at a sleepover they had at their house one time--came to take the kids around to a few houses too! It was really great to be surrounded by family and enjoy the evening together. I had to leave for Korea the next day so I was busy packing but it was a great night--our neighbors gave the kids a TON of candy because they only get 5 kids. They made out like bandits with the candy.