Well--we have had such a great Summer. The kids and I visited Liz (my sister) and her four girls in Chicago. We had a bit of a drive from MSP there with diaper changes and the works (unfortunately Raegan didn't make it to the bathroom at the rest area and we had a bit of a mess to deal with--alas, we all made it!
Liz took the older kids on an adventure through the city using public transportation. Rae
gan LOVED it! She got to ride a REAL train. Their adventure landed them (a mere 2 hours or so later...just got lost once:))at Ed Debevicks, where the waiter told Annika something about poop in her food from the cook, and Annika I believe told him that he was silly. They had a great time.
The highlight of the trip was Gramma Pat's 80th birthday! Such a good time seeing everyone. We were all at Brian and Rosalie's for the party and it was nice to reconnect. However, have you ever
tried to take a picture of 7 kids (soon to be 8) 5 and under? Tough job!
Well, here are a few more fun pics of the kids as they are growing. Love to you all!