Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jacquie Kerongo

Jacquie and Lucas Summer 2011
 This is Jacquie, from Kenya Africa. She is beautiful both inside and out. We were blessed to have her stay with us for 10 months and now she is set to head home on October 17th. When the kids pray for Jacquie they pray for their friend and her family being reunited. Of course they say it more like, "And I pray for Jacquie who misses her family so she is going to see them but then she will miss us. Mommy, won't she miss us? I will miss her."

Gabe, Brody, Jacquie, Raegan Summer 2011
Little Brody started crying in the car when I announced that she would be flying back to Kenya. He has such a compassionate heart and such empathy. Where he gets it from must be my Mom or Brad's Mom cause it kinda missed the Becky and Brad pool:). Brody asked if we could go to Kenya to visit her--now that's a loaded question. Can we, yes. Can we afford to? 6 of us?! However, Grace has a missions trip planned for 2013 to Kenya and I am definitely going to begin praying for the possibility of Brody and I going on that trip! It's never too early to begin praying. He will then be 6. Is that old enough for a trip like that? I believe for him it will be--I think he is going to be our little missionary. If you have a prayer list or tink of it please pray for our dear friend Jacquie as she will begin doing ministry back in Nairobi. Pray for supporters, the right fit in a ministry, her physical safety on her return and once back home (some native Kenyans that came to live in America have been robbed and murdered when returning home.)

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